
By L. Muntasir. Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic.

In other words purchase finast 5mg without prescription, under these conditions the required suction pressure produced by the plant roots to withdraw the water from the soil is the lowest cheap finast 5 mg. As the soil loses moisture, the remaining water tends to be bound into the narrower capillaries. In addition, as the moisture content decreases, sec- tions of water become isolated and tend to form droplets. If, for example, the radius of a droplet decreases to 10−5 cm, the pressure required to draw the water out of the droplet is about 14. Capillary action also depends on the strength of adhesion, which in turn depends on the material composition of the capillary surface. There is a limit to the pressure that roots can produce in order to withdraw water from the soil. A plant may thrive in loam and yet wilt in a clayey soil with twice the moisture content. Many of these insects are adapted to utilize the surface tension of water for locomotion. The surface tension of water makes it possible for some insects to stand on water and remain dry. As is shown in Exercise 7-11, a 70 kg person would have to stand on a platform about 10 km in perimeter to be supported solely by surface tension. Further, examination with an electron microscope reveals that the myofibril is composed of two types of threads, one made of myosin, which is about 160 A(˚ 1A˚ 10−8 cm) in diameter, and the other made of actin, which has a diameter of about 50 A. The threads are aligned in a regular pattern with spaces between threads so that the threads can slide past one another, as shown in Fig. The calcium ions in turn produce conformational changes that result in the sliding of the threads through each other, shortening the myosin-actin structure. Clearly, a force must act along the myosin-actin threads to produce such a contracting motion. It has been suggested by Gamow and Ycas [7-5] that this force may be due to surface tension, which is present not only in liquids but also in jellylike materials such as tissue cells. Here the movement is due to the attraction between the surfaces of the two types of thread. Let us now estimate the force per square centimeter of muscle tissue that could be generated by the surface tension proposed in this model. If the average diameter of the threads is D, the number of threads N per square centimeter of muscle is approximately 1 N (7. There- fore, the maximum contracting force that can be produced by surface tension per square centimeter of muscle area is 6 2 Fm T × 4 × 10 dyn/cm A surface tension of 1. Because this is well below surface tensions commonly encountered, we can conclude that surface tension could be the source of muscle contraction. The actual processes in muscle contraction are much more complex and cannot be reduced to a simple surface tension model (see [7-7 and 7-9]). As the word implies, the hydrophilic end is strongly attracted to water while the hydrophobic has very little attraction to water but is attracted and is readily soluble in oily liquids. Many different types of surfactant molecules are found in nature or as products of laboratory synthesis. When surfactant molecules are placed in water, they align on the surface with the hydrophobic end pushed out of the water as shown in Fig. Such an alignment disrupts the surface structure of water, reducing the surface ten- sion. A small concentration of surfactant molecules can typically reduce sur- face tension of water from 73 dyn/cm to 30 dyn/cm. In oily liquids, surfactants are aligned with the hydrophilic end squeezed out of the liquid. The most familiar use of surfactants is as soaps and detergents to wash away oily substances. Here the hydrophobic end of the surfactants dissolves into the oil surface while the hydrophilic end remains exposed to the surround- ing water as shown in Fig. As a result, the oil breaks up into small droplets surrounded by the hydrophilic end of the surfactants. The small oil droplets are solubilized (that is suspended or dissolved) in the water and can now be washed away. In certain types of experiments, for example, proteins that are hydrophobic such as membrane proteins and lipoproteins must be dissolved in water. Here surfactants are used to solubilize the proteins in a process similar to that illustrated in Fig. The hydrophobic ends of the surfactant molecules dissolve into the surface of the protein. The aligned hydrophilic ends surround the protein, solubilizing it in the ambient water. Chapter 7 Exercises 99 Some insects such as the Microvelia not only stand on water but also utilize surface tension for propulsion.

The microscopic structure of the myocardium is illustrated in the syllabus section on Excitation-Contraction coupling and is schematized in Figure 2 purchase 5 mg finast overnight delivery. A myocardial cell or fiber is bounded by intercalated discs and has a single purchase finast 5 mg online, centrally placed nucleus. Numerous mitochondria exist in cardiac muscle because of the continual requirement for oxygen and oxidative phosphorylation. A transverse tubular system (T system) represents an invagination of the sarcolemma (membrane surrounding the cell) and transmits the electrical signal on the surface into the cell. A longitudinal tubular system (sarcoplasmic reticulum) is involved in calcium release and uptake with each contraction. Cross-bridges between actin and myosin filaments are formed with each contraction. On light microscopy, the A band refers to the myosin bands, whereas the I band refers to the region of actin filaments between two A bands. The M line is a specialized thickening of the myosin filaments at the center of the sarcomere, which helps maintain the hexagonal lattice arrangement of the myosin. The thin actin filaments have an attachment site for the myosin cross-bridge, thus activating myosin activity. The troponin-tropomyosin complex on the actin filament inhibits actin-myosin interaction. Calcium binds to troponin C to release this inhibition, uncovering the cross-bridge on the actin filament and initiating contraction (Figure 3). Several structural differences between skeletal and cardiac muscle are listed in Table l and relate to physiological differences in their function, as discussed below. Because the heart depends on the availability of oxygen from beat to beat, it has far more mitochondria than skeletal muscle, which can develop an oxygen debt. On the other hand, skeletal muscle contraction depends Muscle Mechanics - Robert Turcott, M. Experimentally, if one removes the source of external calcium from skeletal muscle, contraction is little affected. On the other hand, removing the external source of calcium from cardiac muscle reduces contractile function rapidly. The passive length- tension properties of skeletal muscle are less stiff than cardiac muscle. Since the length of skeletal muscle is usually fixed in the body by attachment to bone, they cannot be stretched out beyond their optimum length. Thus, they do not require a stiff passive length tension relation to prevent overstretching. In in vitro experiments, however, it is easier to passively stretch skeletal muscle than cardiac muscle. Stretching heart muscle, however, does not stretch sarcomeres much beyond about 2. This increased stiffness of cardiac muscle presumably relates to an increased collagen content. Skeletal Heart Mitochondria + ++ Sarcoplasmic Reticulum ++ + Resting Force at L max Low High Number of Sarcomeres in >2. Skeletal muscle contraction can be tetanic and sustained when stimulated by a train of electrical stimuli. On the other hand, cardiac muscle responds only to a single stimulus and has a long refractory period before it responds again to another stimulus. Thus, cardiac muscle is characterized by a twitch contraction, whereas skeletal muscle can contract tetanically. Furthermore, cardiac muscle contraction is all or none and cannot be graded (by recruitment of additional motor units) as can skeletal muscle. There is a predictable relationship between sarcomere length at the onset of contraction and the amount of force developed by the muscle. Classical studies in skeletal muscle suggest that the developed force is related to the degree of overlap of thin and thick filaments (Figure 4). As muscle is stretched beyond this point, there is less overlap between thin and thick filaments and thus less opportunity for crossbridges to form. This has been postulated as the primary mechanism for the reduction in force at shorter muscle lengths. Figure 4: Classical relation between the force of development of skeletal muscle and the overlap of thin and thick filaments. Figure 5: Representative series of isometric contractions in a cat papillary muscle studied in vitro in a muscle bath. Contractions are superimposed on a memory oscilloscope and then photographed with a Polaroid picture. The lower line represents the passive length-tension curve of the muscle at that length.

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They introduced an apparatus for measuring the permeabil- ity of films of barrier creams generic finast 5mg free shipping. Wahlberg (12 discount finast 5 mg on-line,13) employed an isotope technique disappearance measure- ment for documenting the inhibiting effect of barrier creams on chromate (51Cr) percutaneous absorption in guinea pigs (Table 1 and Fig. In some cases, the dis- appearance technique was not sufficiently sensitive to permit quantitative determination. The disappearance measurements distinguished between different barrier creams, volumes per unit area, and intervals between application of cream and chromate (13). The permeation of ‘‘toxic agent 4’’ through unprotected and protected skin within 10 h is plotted in Fig- ure 3 as a function of time. Permeation of ‘‘toxic agent 4’’ was markedly reduced by polyethylene glycol ointment base and ointments containing active substance. In in vivo experiments on guinea pigs, mortality was greater after applying the toxic Figure 3 Permeation of the ‘‘toxic agent 4’’ through unprotected and protected skin as a function of time. All formulations with nucleophilic substances mark- edly reduced the mortality rate. In addition, the blood concentration of n-hexane of the control group and the gel-pretreated group was determined. Figure 4 shows partial results (19), which correlated invasive (blood levels) and noninvasive techniques. Loden (7) evaluated the effect of barrier creams on the absorption of (3H)- water (14C)-benzene, and (14C)-formaldehyde into excised human skin. The con- trol and the barrier-cream-treated skin was exposed to the test substance for 0. The experimental cream ‘‘water barrier’’ reduced the absorption of water and benzene but not formaldehyde. Petrogard and ‘‘Solvent Barrier’’ did not affect the absorption of any of the substances studied (Fig. The effects of the barrier cream on the skin and the test substance mimic the in vivo situation. The pretreated and untreated test skin (guinea pig or humans) was exposed daily to the irritants for 2 weeks. The resulting irritation was scored on a clinical scale and assessed by biophysical technique parameters. Some test creams suppressed irritation with all test parameters; some failed to show any effect; and some exacerbated the condition (Fig. Figure 5 The amount of water absorbed into control skin and skin treated with barrier creams during 0. Significant dif- ferences from control animals and barrier-cream-treated animals are indicated by an aster- isk (*) (p 0. Barrier cream efficacy was assayed by measurements of the dyes in the epidermis of protected skin samples 30 min after application. The amount of the three dyes at the bottom of the stratum corneum remains, however, low. The efficacy of barrier creams against the three dyes in several cases showed data contrary to manufac- Barrier Creams 257 Figure 7 ∆ total color change measurement in the stratum corneum expressed in percent- age. There was no correlation between the galenic parameters of the assayed products and the protection level, indicating that neither the water content nor the consistency of the formulations influenced the protection effec- tiveness. Thirty milligrams of barrier gel were applied on the epider- mal side of the skin in vitro and a nickel disk was applied above the gel. Twenty- four hours after application, the nickel disk was removed and the epidermis sepa- rated from the dermis. The distributions of nickel in the epidermis and the dermis after 24 h of occluded application of the two nickel disks made from alloy A and alloy B are in Figure 8. The amount of nickel in the epidermal skin layer after application of the barrier gels was significantly reduced compared to the untreated control. Recipient mediums were isotonic phosphate buffer and synthetic sweat (skin from donor A). Statistics: 2-sample t test com- paring mean skin compartment distribution of nickel after application of alloy B and alloy A. Comparison for isotonic phosphate buffer and synthetic sweat as recipient medium, respectively. Test preparations and nickel disks were removed 1 day postapplication and the sites evaluated. Zhai (5) developed an in vivo method in human skin to measure the effec- tiveness of skin protective creams against dye indicator solutions: methylene blue in water and oil red O in ethanol, which are representative of model hydrophilic and lipophilic compounds. Solutions of 5% methylene blue and 5% oil red O were applied to untreated and protective cream pretreated skin with the aid of aluminum occlusive chambers, for 0 h and 4 h. The amount of dye penetrating into each strip was determined Barrier Creams 259 by colorimetry. Two creams exhibited effectiveness, but one cream enhanced a cumulative amount of dye (Fig.

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It has a direct tonic effect upon the heart discount 5 mg finast mastercard, and it mildly stimulates the capillary circulation throughout the entire body order 5 mg finast free shipping, overcoming blood stasis and congestion. In diseases of an exanthematous character it causes the rash to appear promptly and prevents its recession. Zanthoxylum in certain lines acts similarly to strychnine; in others it is superior to strychnine, having a wider action. In its effects on the capillary circulation it resembles belladonna or atropia, without the toxic properties. Specific Symptomatology—It is a specific when there is lack of tone in Ellingwood’s American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy - Page 466 the nervous system—a general torpidity with sluggish circulation; in enervation and relaxation of mucous membranes, with imperfect circulation, or hypersecretion. It is thus valuable in catarrhal conditions of any mucous surface, as it restores the tone and normal functional activity. In all conditions of the bowels where tympanites is present it is specific, quickly relieving this condition. In general atonic conditions of the digestive apparatus, combined with hydrastis canadensis, it has no superior. It has a powerfully tonic influence upon the stomach and digestion, and improves the general nutritive functions of the system. Whitford gives it as a tonic in all conditions of weakness, depending upon malnutrition, accompanied with chronic dyspepsia, especially if catarrhal gastritis be present. The following is his method of combining the remedy: Rx—Powdered hydrastis, two drams; precipitated carbonate of iron, one dram; tincture of zanthoxylum, one-half ounce; simple elixir, sufficient quantity to make four ounces. The writer has used a similar combination, the active constituents in a capsule, every three -hours with most excellent results. This formula is especially applicable as a restorative after debilitating fevers and after prostrating diarrheas, or after dysentery. The alkaloid hydrastine may be substituted for the powdered hydrastis, where prescribed in capsules. This agent, with the older practitioners, was considered a most valuable remedy in rheumatism. Its stimulating diaphoretic action, with its restorative and tonic influence, placed it high in the estimation of many as a remedy in this condition. It was usually combined with stillingia, yellow dock or phytolacca, and often the iodide or acetate of potassium was added. It serves an excellent purpose in scrofula, and in some cases of chronic skin disorder, from disordered blood. Ellingwood’s American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy - Page 467 Synonym—Ginger. Infusum Zingiberis, Infusion of Ginger, prepared by adding a teaspoonful of powdered ginger to half a pint of hot water. Physiological Action—This agent is mentioned in but few therapeutic works, although it occupies an important place, and should not be neglected. It is a profound and immediate stimulant, an active diaphoretic, an anodyne in gastric and intestinal pain, and a sedative to an irritated and overwrought system when there is extreme exhaustion. An infusion of the powder drunk warm produces immediate but mild emesis and active diaphoresis. In every case in which brandy or whisky is given to produce an immediate stimulating influence, the tincture of ginger can be given with even better results. From half a teaspoonful to a teaspoonful will produce greater stimulation than half an ounce of brandy. It may be stirred into half a glass of cold water, but is much more immediate in its action if given in hot water. Therapy—The agent stimulates the stomach actively, producing, a pleasing sense of warmth. In atonic conditions of the stomach and intestinal tract, it stimulates the structure to renewed activity and materially assists in the restoration of normal tone. It relieves pain from any cause except inflammatory action, when this remedy must be avoided. In acute colds the entire train of symptoms may be aborted in a single night, by advising the patient to take a hot mustard foot bath at bedtime, while the body, prepared for bed, is wrapped in warm blankets. During the Ellingwood’s American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy - Page 468 foot bath the patient should drink a glass or two of hot water, each of which contains half of a dram of the tincture of ginger. In dysmenorrhea, ovarian neuralgia and uterine pain from any cause at the menstrual epoch, this agent is reliable. If given at the beginning of an hysterical attack it will often abort the attack, and produce quiet and restful sleep. Its influence as a rubifacient is slow and by no means as satisfactory as mustard, and it is now seldom used as a counter-irritant.