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By B. Farmon. University of New England.

Under its continued use we find that a retained placenta may decompose and pass off with the discharges without serious danger; and it will usually remove all the unpleasant symptoms that are associated with sepsis purchase voveran sr 100mg visa. Of course Chlorate of Potash does not take the place of proper manual attention on the part of the accoucheur cheap voveran sr 100 mg on line. This is a very brief synopsis of an Obstetric Materia Medica, yet will be sufficient to point out the remedies that need be studied, and the common use of those named. We have had in review the principal remedies employed for the ills of pregnancy and parturition, and may complete the subject by a brief consideration of the ills and remedies of mother and child for the month following delivery. It is a good thing to still bear in mind that we are dealing with a physiological condition, and not one of disease. Our patient requires rest, that the tissues engaged in child-birth may recover their normal condition. In the majority medicine is not required, but instead the mother requires good, nutritious food, cleanliness, good air and rest. Starvation - or toast and tea - does not answer very well, and we will avoid many mishaps by getting rid of the old ideas of light diet and purgation. Some would be content with the milder diaphoretic or Dover’s powder, but others would give morphia in pretty full doses. As a rule, the stronger the dose, or the more frequent the repetition, the worse the patient is off. I am satisfied that many of the chronic ailments of women may be traced to this as a cause. I have the same objection to Chloral, which, though it acts very kindly in some, is a cause of blood- poisoning in others, giving a slow and bad getting up. But as we thus exclude the agents that act directly in obtunding the nervous system, you may say that we can not give relief, and must lose our practice. It is very certain that the involution of the uterus in multipara requires a certain amount of pain - synonymous for uterine contraction. A reasonable amount of after-pain is a good thing, and mothers and nurses are not slow in learning the lesson. If with the pains there was nausea, flatulence, pain about the umbilicus, I should give - ℞ Tinct. An offensive lochial discharge means mischief, local or general, and calls for cleanliness - and Chlorate of Potash. There is no mistake that this is the antiseptic of the puerperal state in a very large majority of cases, and if it was promptly used when the offensive odor first shows itself, it would save a great deal of trouble. In some cases there is retention of blood-clots, which undergo decomposition, and in miscarriages occasionally a case in which the placenta can not be removed without too much force. Even in the last case I should feel entirely safe to leave the case to nature and to - Chlorate of Potash. A too free lochial discharge is usually controlled with small doses of Ipecac, one-tenth to one-fourth grain every two or three hours. I prescribe the sedative indicated, Veratrum or Aconite, with Macrotys, or a tea of Pennyroyal. The milk-fever is readily controlled with the proper sedative, Aconite being the usual remedy. I prescribe Phytolacca when the tongue and mucous membranes show pallor; Collinsonia when the color is vivid and bright. Mammary irritation or inflammation, in the early stages, yields readily to Phytolacca in most cases. Phytolacca is also a valuable remedy for sore nipples, especially when the structure is swollen and sensitive; sometimes it will effect a permanent cure. Of course it is not a remedy for simple erosion and ulceration, unless the gland is also diseased. Of all the means employed for the relief of ulcerated nipples, nothing has served my purpose so well as the lead nipple shield. It is hammered in the form of the nipple, so that it is light and fits accurately, or it is moulded out of thin sheet lead. The nipple is carefully dried after the child nurses, and the lead shield is worn constantly. If the child simply shows abdominal pain, and draws its feet upwards, I prescribe - ℞ Tinct. It would not do to omit saying, that for a mother’s prescription, there is nothing safer than Catnip tea. In some cases the lochial discharge, becoming colorless, persists for a long time, and the mother gets up from her bed feeble in body, and especially feeble in the reproductive organs. This is but a small portion of what might be said with reference to these cases, but our object has been to bring forward the remedies adapted to the more common ailments. In the list of remedies favoring the menstrual discharge may be included Iron, not only as a blood-maker, or a general remedy, but for its local influence. Blueness of parts, usually with pallor, may be taken as the best indication for its specific action. Tissues are full, and frequently the lower segment of the uterus will give a doughy or sodden sensation to the finger.

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Ash and colleagues contend that most unintended consequences center on errors generic voveran sr 100mg amex, security concerns order voveran sr 100mg with visa, and issues related to alerts, workflow, ergonomics, interpersonal relations, and reimplementation (e. Because of the seriousness of the implications of this study, many people reviewed this article. New and different types of errors were identified as unintended consequences in three 450,457,503 studies. One study felt that problems with communication 775 would probably lead to errors in medication management, and another study postulated the 734 same increase in errors based on challenges to existing and changing roles. The study of use of inappropriate medications during pregnancy was stopped early because the system was not 70 accurate enough, causing the system to “miss” notification of drugs that should have been alerted 508 and to give alerts that were not needed. Ash and colleagues list 47 types of unintended consequences and Kopppel and 752 colleagues list 22. Ash and colleagues go on to verify that the types of unintended consequences they found were common in institutions outside those that she and her colleagues 777 734,743,752,776,781 775,779 studied. Unintended consequences were related to roles, communication, 752,759,779 workflow alterations or automation of poor existing workflows, inflexibility of the new 743,752,759 752,759,776 480,776,779 system, poor content or poor display of content, alert fatigue, and 779 overdependence on the system. Rather than fix the system, most often workarounds were 732,743 instituted by clinical staff. Discuss gaps in research, including specific areas that should be addressed and suggest possible public and private organizational types to perform the research and/or analysis. Where an issue is more strongly associated with a phase we mention the phase or other aspect (e. The literature places a great emphasis on studying the prescribing phase of medication management, with 263 of our included studies falling in that phase (Table 18). We feel that more study should be done on the phases of order communication, dispensing, and administering. Reconciliation of medications is vital, especially at the time of transfer to another health care setting, including transfer to and from home and community. Order communication is ripe for more research and development, especially in two-way communication to improve and speed up “perfection” of orders and prescriptions. Frequency of medication management phases studies plus reconciliation and education Phase Frequency Prescribing 263 Order communication 26 Dispensing 17 Administering 39 Monitoring 77 Education 3 Reconciliation/Other 6 Research methods. This same pattern of disparity for the number of studies in the medication management phases exists for the distribution of study methods. Future research using methods appropriate for these complex interventions are needed. We also identified other issues in study methods including inappropriate analyses, labeling of methods, and adjusting data sets in some of the observational studies. Some studies addressing feature preferences tested for 40 or more associations without adjustment. The authors of sections of this report also have commented on incorrect choice of statistical analysis techniques in some studies that could have led to positive findings that are not justified. Studies that include nonphysician clinicians are not focused on the unique needs of the participants. The important issue of nursing workarounds that have developed to deal with systems that match physician but not nursing needs is also inadequately studied. However, the special needs of medication management for children such as age- and weight-based dosing were not adequately pursued. However the needs of the patients and their families to manage medications outside of hospitals and clinics were not studied. Qualitative studies that address pharmacists as well as patient needs and opportunities and important outcomes were also lacking. Hospitals and ambulatory care, but not necessarily specialty clinics, are also well- represented in the studies of this report (Table 22). From the descriptions in the articles we felt that descriptions of the system, including components and implementation issues such as training could have been added but they were not. Health information exchange is defined as the movement of health information across organizations using nationally accepted standards was not studied in any of the documents retrieved. We feel that authors should be encouraged to strive for publication in the peer-reviewed literature rather than trade publications and news magazines. Appendices Another of the challenges in this report to do with retrieval of studies from the bibliographic databases and also for abstraction and combining data, were inconsistencies in the use of terminology. In the pharmaceutical world benefit can be thought of as being “can it work” often under ideal situations (i. Impact, or pragmatic studies, refer to measuring the effect of an intervention in the real world. Trials of this nature are complex, long- term, have large numbers of people/situations being studied, and are done on mature and well- functioning systems. Their location is likely best at those centers in the United States that have established and mature health care systems that have solid support for technology, strong research teams, experience with qualitative and quantitative methods and expertise in collaborative projects that include clinicians, experienced informaticians, and patients and their families.

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