
I. Lisk. Bethany College, West Virginia.

Frequency of depression after stroke: a systematic review of observational studies fucidin 10 gm cheap. Stroke is the leading cause of physical not necessarily severe enough to induce dementia disability in adults: of one million inhabitants buy fucidin 10gm free shipping, 2400 when isolated). The term Even in stroke survivors who are independent, slight VaD cannot be used for all patients who have had cognitive or behavioral changes may have conse- a stroke and are demented, because many of them quences for familial and professional activities [5]. Therefore, the This chapter will not cover: (i) cognitive impair- economic burden of dementia is important. The prevalence of stroke and of ably of vascular origin that occur in the absence of dementia is likely to increase in the coming years, clinical symptoms of stroke or transient ischemic because of the decline in mortality after stroke [8] attacks. Therefore, our review will focus only on and the aging of Western populations [9]. Therefore, dementia that occurs – or was already present – in the burden of stroke-related dementia is also likely to patients who have had clinical symptoms of stroke. A study where stroke was not associated between stroke onset and cognitive assessment, and with an increased risk of dementia [30] was actually criteria used for the diagnosis of dementia [5, 12]. The incidence of dementia after stroke depends on whether the study excluded Stroke doubles the risk of dementia; the attribut- patients with pre-existing cognitive decline or demen- able risk is the highest within the first year after tia or not. In a community-based study of dementia after stroke conducted over a 25-year period, the cumulative inci- Determinants of post-stroke dementia that have been dence of dementia after stroke was 7% after 1 year, found in at least two independent studies, or have 10% after 3 years, 15% after 5 years, 23% after 10 years been identified recently, are listed in Table 13. In hospital-based studies, the incidence of dementia after stroke ranged from Demographic and medical 9% [23] to 16. In the Lille Stroke/ The most important demographic predictors of Dementia cohort after exclusion of patients who were dementia after stroke, in sufficiently powered studies, demented at month 6, only 6% of survivors developed are increasing age and low education level, but not really “new-onset” dementia after 3 years [25]. The risk of dementia after stroke is higher in patients who Incidence of dementia after stroke is 7% after 1 year, 10% after 3 years, 15% after 5 years, 23% were already dependent before stroke [5]. Relative risk of dementia after stroke Diabetes mellitus, atrial fibrillation and myocar- In the Rochester study, the relative risk of dementia dial infarction were also independent risk factors for (i. Arterial by the risk of dementia in stroke-free controls) was hypertension, a risk factor for vascular dementia 8. In the Epileptic seizures [33], sepsis, cardiac arrhythmias Framingham study, the results were similar 10 years and congestive heart failure are independently associ- after stroke, after adjustment for age, gender, educa- ated with an increased risk of dementia after stroke 195 tion level and exposure to individual risk factors for [5]. However, the statistical relationship found Section 3: Diagnostics and syndromes Table 13. The same study may appear several times if several assessments were performed at different time intervals after stroke. This table between these disorders and dementia does not mean includes only determinants of dementia after stroke that have a causal relationship: it is also possible that dementia been found in at least two independent studies or identified recently. A few determinants may not have been confirmed increases the risk of such events [5]. The influence of hyperlipidemia, hyperhomocys- References to the studies cited in this table and published teinemia, alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking before 30 April 2005 can be found in Leys et al. The Demographic and medical characteristics of the patient results concerning cigarette smoking should be inter- Demographic variables preted with caution, because smoking influences mor- tality and stroke recurrence. ApoE4 genotype is Increasing age associated with an increased risk of dementia after Low education level stroke [34]. Pre-stroke dependency Risk factors for dementia after stroke include Dependency increasing age, low education level, diabetes Pre-stroke cognitive decline mellitus, atrial fibrillation, myocardial infarction, epileptic seizures, sepsis, cardiac arrhythmias and Pre-stroke cognitivedecline without dementia[32,50] congestive heart failure. Vascular risk factors Diabetes mellitus Atrial fibrillation Pre-existing silent brain lesions Myocardial infarction in stroke patients ApoE4 genotype [34] Silent infarcts, i. Their Sepsis influence is more important when the follow-up is longer: in the Lille study, silent infarcts were associ- Cardiac arrhythmias ated with dementia after stroke at year 3 [25] but not Congestive heart failure at year 2 and in the Maastricht study silent infarcts Silent brain lesions were independently related to dementia after 12 Silent infarcts months, but not after 1 or 6 months [35]. Stroke patients with associated silent infarcts seem to have Global cerebral atrophy a steeper decline in cognitive function than those Medial temporal lobe atrophy [36] without, but this decline might be confined to those Leukoaraiosis with additional silent infarcts after base-line. Global cerebral atrophy is associated with a higher Stroke characteristics risk of dementia after stroke [5]. However, the question of their influence on Stroke characteristics, such as severity of the clinical deficit or stroke localization, influence the risk of the risk of post-stroke dementia has never been sys- dementia after stroke. The risk of dementia and its severity 10 years younger than in all other studies, and patients are not influenced by the type of stroke (ischemic or who were lost to follow-up at the 3-month evaluation hemorrhagic) [5]. However, differences in survival were more cognitively impaired at the acute stage, and rates between stroke subtypes make the results diffi- in the other [21] the diagnosis of VaD was based on the cult to interpret. In other studies, the risk tia after stroke: (i) in stroke patients who are too of dementia after stroke was lower in patients with young to have Alzheimer lesions, and became demen- small-vessel disease [5]. These results are influenced ted just after stroke; (ii) when cognitive functions by the higher mortality rate in stroke subtypes associ- were normal before stroke, impaired immediately ated with more severe deficits, i.

Percentage of the neuromas in below knee nian Research Center on Aging generic 10 gm fucidin with mastercard, Tehran cheap fucidin 10 gm with amex, Iran, 2Iran University of amputees was signifcantly higher than non-below knee amputees Medical Sciences, Department of Basic Sciences in Rehabilita- (45. Neuroma was found to be signifcant stump pathology in patients with below knee level amputation. Introduction/Background: Pain is a frequently undetected and un- dertreated health problem among nursing home residents which is not studied adequately. Kusumaningsih1 through cluster sampling method and their residents were invited to 1 Jakarta, Indonesia participate in the study. Results: The mean age of the participants cortisol circulating level with phantom limb phenomen was done in was 74. Pain signifcantly interfered with adults traumatic limb amputee without stump pain. Measurement general activity, mood, walking, normal work, relations with oth- was done twice, before and after. Based on the Cortisol serum level was examined using radioimmunoassay meth- results, factors such as age, gender and education were signifcantly od. A pilot study to validate of the score and the by appropriate training of health care personnel of nursing homes. Further studies on the effcacy show signifcance difference in the decrease of cortisol level within of management strategies of pain used in nursing homes may help six months in each group (p=0. Pearson correlation show signifcance negative correlation between decrease in cortisol level and increase in telescoping grade (r=– 0. Signifcant positive correlation between decrease in cortisol level and decrease in phantom pain intensity (r=0. Signifcance negative correlation between decrease in cortisol level and increase in referred phantom limb sensation (r=– 56 0. Within six months observation period, the changing pat- 1 1 1 1 tern of phantom limb phenomen in adult traumatic limb amputee or K. Material and Methods: A chart review was performed to identify demographic Introduction/Background: Ambulation forms an important part of and clinical data including the age (current and at the time of inju- rehabilitation program after lower limb amputations. Diabetes Mel- ry), disease duration, gender, reason for amputation, affected limb litus and its complications are commonly associated with below number, side and level of limb loss and ultrasonographic fndings J Rehabil Med Suppl 55 Oral Abstracts 21 knee amputation. Inspite of this, there is an absence of studies on 1The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Orthopae- the effect of diabetes on the post operative ambulation of an ampu- dics & Traumatology, Shatin, Hong Kong- China tee. This study analysed the role of diabetes as an independent fac- tor affecting post operative ambulation and compared it with non Introduction/Background: A cross-sectional study was carried out diabetics in below knee amputation. Material and Methods: In this to evaluate the use of prosthesis, mobility, and quality of life on 24 study a total of 105 below knee amputation patients were followed. Their bilitation programme having passed the 7th year after 2008 Sichuan post operative ambulatory level was compared by using Pinzur et Earthquake. Results: Adult tes Mellitus is an independent factor which has an adverse effect on amputees, comparing with young amputees, experienced worse the functional outcome of a patient after below knee amputation. Effects experiencing stump and phantom pain were also University of Hannover, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, greatly affected by age. Usage of prosthesis is also encouraged for Hannover, Germany better rehabilitation and mobility. Saraf 1Ludhiana, India itial studies done across two International centres showed the new instrument had reasonable inter-rater and intra-rater reliability with Introduction/Background: Below knee amputation is required in no ceiling or foor effect. Material and Methods: This was a ten the Wilcoxon signed rank test for signifcance to change. A total of 144 pa- Ranking the median scores confrmed that running, sports, walking tients were include of which 76 (53%) patients had Burgess closure long distances, squatting and kneeling were the most diffcult items, while 59 (41%) had skew fap closure. These groups were compared on the ing down, sitting, standing, bending and moving around outside the basis of stump healing time, rate of infection, time for prosthetic home/other were the easiest items with a median score of 0. Primary stump healing was 58% for skew faps and 55% at either end of the spectrum of diffculty. Of the total 144 patients, of the medians between 0 and 4 and the high number of individual 72. Burgess fap closure patients and 71% of Skew fap closure were happy with their prosthesis which was not signifcant. Conclusion: 60 Stump healing time, rate of infection, prosthetic ftting timing and prosthetic compliance was similar in both groups. She reported that the low back pain Hospital, Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Shatin, became less. Conclu- Hong Kong- China sion: Since patients can preserve ability of independent gait after rotationplasty, rehabilitation team often did not involve in prescrip- Introduction/Background: The 2008 Sichuan Earthquake resulted tion when updating the prostheses. In this case, prescription of the in numerous severe injuries with long-term disabling effects, in- new prosthesis with team rehabilitation was effective for the patient cluding a large number of bilateral lower limb amputees. This cross- who had low back pain and gait problem after more than 20 years sectional study aims to evaluate the mobility, prosthesis use and following rotationplasty. Results: Patients with preservation of either one 1 2 Padang, Indonesia, M Djamil Hospital, Physical Medicine and or both knee joint(s), comparing with patients with no knee joint 3 Rehabilitation, Padang, Indonesia, Ministry of Health, Primary preservation, achieved higher mobility (p=0.

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This positive pressure improves cardiac output by decreasing venous return and excessive preload purchase fucidin 10 gm free shipping. It also improves oxygenation by increasing alveolar recruitment and decreases the work and metabolic 2 requirement of breathing buy 10gm fucidin with visa. These agents all increase myocardial oxygen consumption and ischemia, creating an additional risk for dysrhythmias. Adequate perfusion must always be assessed by using clinical indicators such as urine output, skin appearance and mental status. As each successive agent is introduced (at a pace commensurate with the severity of symptoms), close attention must be paid to vital signs, fluid bal- ance and symptomatic response to therapy. Adverse effects of diuretics include electrolyte imbalances, prerenal azotemia, contraction alkalosis and hypotension. However, little evidence for the effectiveness of morphine exists and its use is controversial. Respiratory depression with morphine may result in unnecessary intubation—a small dose (e. They inhibit the neu- rohormonal cascade and improve symptoms, especially in the setting of cardiac ischemia. However, they are not generally indi- cated in the treatment of acute heart failure and may result in acute decompensation. Dobutamine must be given with close hemodynamic monitoring and may initially result in hypotension. Two commonly used classification systems for severity of heart failure are given in (Table 2C. Disposition Patients diagnosed with acute heart failure or acute exacerbation of chronic heart failure most commonly require admission to hospital. It may also be appropriate to admit patients with mild exacerba- tions to short-stay or observational units or even to discharge them home with close follow-up when no acute serious underlying pathology is suspected and symp- toms have resolved. Effect of losartan compared with captopril on mortality in patients with symptomatic heart failure. Effect of enalapril on mortality and the development of heart failure in asymptomatic patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fractions. Attenuation of compensation of endogenous cardiac natriuretic peptide system in chronic heart failure: Prognostic role of plasma brain natriuretic peptide concentration in patients with chronic symptomatic left ven- tricular dysfunction. Part D: Endocarditis Epidemiology/Pathophysiology • Endocarditis is an infection of the heart valves which can present either acutely or as a chronic disease. It is a life threatening infectious disease that is difficult to diagnose with certainty in the Emergency Department. Other patients at risk include those with intracardiac devices (pacemakers, defibrillators), those with a history of endocarditis, 40 Emergency Medicine those with mitral valve prolapse and regurgitation, and patients with certain congeni- tal heart defects. Diagnosis and Evaluation • Diagnosis of endocarditis has traditionally been based on clinical findings and bacte- riologic criteria from blood cultures. The development and increased utilization of echocardiography has provided increased ability to diagnose endocarditis. The Duke criteria describes clinical, bacteriological and echocardiographic diagnostic criteria for endocarditis. History and Physical Exam • Endocarditis presents with a variety of clinical complaints. Laboratory and Studies • Laboratory findings include positive blood cultures as discussed above and a mild anemia. Blood cultures should be drawn before be- ginning antibiotics as antibiotics reduce the bacterial recovery rate of cultures by approximately one-third. Patients with a subacute course and native heart valves should receive either penicillin and an aminoglycoside or a penicillinase-resistant penicillin (nafcillin) and an aminoglycoside. Amoxicillin or erythromycin should be given 1 h before the procedure for proper prophylaxis. A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on practice guidelines. Part E: Pericardial Diseases Pericardial disease is an important consideration in patients presenting with car- diopulmonary symptoms. The understanding of pericardial disease is important as these diseases not only cause significant morbidity, but they may also mimic other diseases which may require alternative treatment. Definitions • Pericarditis is an inflammation of the pericardial layer surrounding the heart. Pericarditis may also be idiopathic, but it is unclear if these represent undiagnosed viral pericarditis.