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The dose equivalent unit purchase 100mg cefixime overnight delivery, rem discount cefixime 200mg mastercard, has been developed to account for the dif- ferences in effectiveness of different types of radiation in causing biologi- cal damage. It is defined as the ratio of the dose of a standard radiation to produce a par- ticular biological response to the dose of the radiation in question to produce the same biological response. When a radiation dose comes from several radiations, the total dose equivalent is calculated by adding the absorbed doses from individual radiations multi- plied by the Wr of each radiation. In the past, the Wr values were called quality factors, which are somewhat different from the Wr values. Information concerning the biodistribution of ingested radioactivity can be obtained from various experimental studies in humans and animals. The factors 4 and 5 are variable from one individual to another and, therefore, they are approximated for a “standard” or “average” 70-kg man. Radiopharmaceuticals administered to patients are distributed in differ- ent regions of the body. A region of interest for which the absorbed dose is to be calculated is considered the “target,” whereas all other regions con- tributing to the radiation dose to the target are considered “sources. Radiation Dose Rate Suppose a source volume r contains A mCi of a radiopharmaceutical emit- ting several radiations. If the ith radiation has energy Ei and a fractional abundance Ni per disintegration, then the energy absorbed per hour (dose rate) by a target of mass m and volume v from the ith radiation emitted by the source volume r is given by Ri(rad/hr) = A/m(mCi/g)N Ei i(MeV/disintegration) × [3. For penetrating radiations, total or part of the radiation energy may be absorbed in the absorbing material. If the target and the source are not the same, then a factor must be introduced to account for the partial absorption, if any, of the radiation energy. Internal Radiation Dosimetry Here fi(v ← r) is called the absorbed fraction and is defined as the ratio of the energy absorbed by the target volume v from the ith radiation to the energy emitted by the ith radiation from the source volume r. This is a crit- ical factor that is difficult to evaluate, because the absorbed fraction fi depends on the type and energy of the radiation, the shape and size of the source volume, and the shape, composition, and distance of the target volume. However, in the case of b-particles, conversion electrons, a-parti- cles, and x- and g-rays of energies less than 11keV, all of the energy emitted by a radionuclide is absorbed in the volume r larger than 1cm. For x- and g- rays with energies greater than 11keV, the value of fi decreases with increasing energy and varies between 0 and 1, depending on the energy. It should be pointed out that since b-particles are emitted with a distribution of energy, the average energy Eb of b-particles is used in the calculation of Di. If Ao is the initial administered activity, then the activity localized in an organ is a fraction f of Ao. Cumulative Radiation Dose The cumulative radiation dose Di to the target due to the ith radiation of the radionuclide during the period t = 0 to t can be obtained by integrating Eq. Thus, t −l t D rad Δ f ← e i ∫ 0 Dose Calculation 213 1 −let = fA Δ f ← r 1− e le −let = 14. If t =∞, that is, the radiopharmaceutical is completely −let eliminated, then the exponential term e approaches zero and the absorbed dose in Eq. The total dose to the target from different sources of radiations can be calcu- lated by summing Eq. The fi values have been calculated on the basis of different sizes and compositions of the targets receiving the radiation dose and the radiation characteristics of the radionuclide. The quantity S is called the mean absorbed dose per cumulated activity and has the unit of rad/mCi·hr. Internal Radiation Dosimetry There are situations when the uptake of the tracer is gradual and the clearance also is slow. The S Values The mean absorbed dose per cumulated activity, S, is more appropriately expressed as n 1 S ← ∑ Δ f ← r (14. Assume that the 99mTc activity is uniformly distributed in the lungs and 45% of the activity is cleared from the lungs with a biological half-life of 3hr and 55% with a biological half-life of 7hr. The effective half-life of two biological clear- ances are 3 × Te1 = = 2 hr 3 + 7 × Te2 = = 32. Also note that A should be equal to f·A , if Ao o is the initial administered activity. All values have been obtained from package inserts except those noted by footnotes. Radiation Internal Dose Information Center, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Foun- dation, 1996. Radiation dosimetry results and safety cor- relations from 90Y-ibritumomab tiuexetan radioimmunotherapy for relapsed or refractory non- Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Effective Dose Equivalent and Effective Dose Historically, the whole-body dose or total body dose was used to evaluate the relative radiation risks of different procedures involving radiations. This value does not take into consideration the effect of tissue sensitivity to radiation.

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Plantar warts may attack blood vessels deep in the skin discount cefixime 100 mg with visa, and they can be quite painful cheap cefixime 100 mg with mastercard. Waardenburg syndrome A genetic syndrome Avoidance and prompt treatment are essential. In that features varying degrees of hearing loss and some cases, allergy injection therapy is highly effec- pigmentation changes in the skin and hair. Some patients also take warfarin to reduce their risk of weaver’s bottom Inflammation of the bursa that clots, stroke, or heart attack. Warfarin works by separates the gluteus maximus muscle of the but- suppressing production of some clotting factors. Weaver’s bottom is a form of bursitis that is usually Warfarin taken by a woman during pregnancy can caused by prolonged sitting on hard surfaces that disturb the development of an embryo and a press against the bones of the bottom or midbut- fetus and lead to birth defects. Wegener granulomatosis See granulomatosis, wart A local growth on the outer layer of the skin Wegener. Papillomavirus is transmitted by contact, either with a wart on some- welt See hive. Warts that occur on the hands or feet are called Werner syndrome A premature aging disease common warts. A wart on the sole of the foot is a that begins in adolescence or early adulthood and plantar wart. Genital (venereal) warts are located results in apparent old age by 30–40 years of age. See also ture graying, early baldness, wizened face, beaked genital warts; human papillomavirus. Plantar warts are different from most other autosomal recessive manner and is due to mutation warts. It can affect any part of the body, leading to arthritis and then weight loss, Werner-His disease See trench fever. Whipple disease has mitted from birds to mosquitoes and then to people been discovered to be due to a type of bacteria by mosquito bites. Some patients relapse and virus occurs in parts of Africa and Asia and, infre- need long-term, even life-long, treatment. West Nile virus had never been seen in birds Whipple procedure A type of surgery that is or people in the Western Hemisphere prior to an used to treat pancreatic cancer and was devised by outbreak in summer 1999 in New York City. Most affected creas, the duodenum, a portion of the stomach, and people have no symptoms or minor symptoms, but other nearby tissues are removed. The whipworm is infants and small children under age 5, the aged, found worldwide, and whipworm infections are and people with impaired immune systems. Heavy infections, especially in small chil- dren, can cause gastrointestinal problems (such as Western blot A technique in molecular biology abdominal pain, diarrhea, and rectal prolapse) and that is used to separate and identify particular possibly growth retardation. It can be expressed in international units wheezing A whistling noise in the chest during as (4. Ideally, people so affected should do thought to be as follows: The victim may be first their best to relax when in the medical office. The white matter is white ments in and around the spine may be stretched or because it is the color of myelin, the insulation that torn. There may be overcompensation when the white spots on the nails See jogger’s nails. This may rock the head violently white subungual onychomycosis, proximal forward, stretching and tearing more muscles and See onychomycosis, proximal white subungual. A closed comedo may rupture and cause a low-grade skin inflamma- winter depression See seasonal affective dis- tory reaction in the area. Wilms tumor A childhood form of kidney cancer with a peak age of occurrence at 3 years of age. Symptoms can include abdominal pain, swelling, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome A condition and blood in the urine. Diagnosis is made by biopsy, that is caused by an abnormality in the electrical which can classify the tumors as having a favorable system of the heart, which normally tells the heart histology (microscopic appearance) or an unfavor- muscle when to contract. The outcome is also reflected by the stage of cal connection inside the heart that acts as a short the tumor (extent of spread) at the time of diagno- circuit, causing the heart to beat too rapidly and sis. Wilson disease An inherited disorder of copper metabolism that results in an abnormal accumula- Wolhynia fever See trench fever. Although the accumula- tion of copper begins at birth, symptoms of the womb See uterus. A diagnostic feature of the dis- the muscles of the hand and sometimes the forearm ease is a Kayser-Fleischer ring, a deep copper- and that occurs only during typing or use of a com- colored ring around the edge of the cornea that puter.