
By Q. Nefarius. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. 2019.

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Yet decisions about a greatly desired though impaired pregnancy illuminate the complications in right-to-life arguments versus women’s actual right to choose freely when they want neither available option – neither a severely impaired child nor an abortion purchase 40 mg sotalol with visa. Ramazanoglu (1989) argues that feminist research is a matter of examining and holding together contradictions instead of futile attempts to ignore or resolve them superWcially best sotalol 40mg, and this links to concepts of ‘maternal holding on’ watching and waiting (Ruddick, 1990) in contrast to ‘masculinist’ decisive rapid intervention which prenatal counselling tends to facilitate. Prenatal counselling and images of disability 201 Research with disabled people During a European project (see Acknowledgements) researchers investigated the views on prenatal screening of physicians, midwives, pregnant women, the general public, experts and reports in the mass media and professional journals. The Wrst, through general questions about their family and friends, education and work, problems, enjoyments and aims, built up a picture of interviewees’ views on the quality and value, and the possible suVering and costly dependence of their lives. As reviews of Medline and other website data-sets show, the medical literature on these conditions is mainly drawn from medical records and research about associated pathology, and from quantitative psychologi- cal surveys of anxiety, depression, intelligence and quality of life. In contrast, we used qualitative methods, a less formal interview style, and open questions asking for detailed replies; we looked for variety instead of measuring common factors. We contacted small groups of people through informal networks in order, we hoped, to avoid seeming perhaps intimidat- ingly professional, and to stress that we saw them as persons rather than patients. Everyone was sent a leaXet before they agreed to take part about the topics we would raise, and about their rights: to consent or refuse; to withdraw or withhold information; and to maintain conWdentiality. We were worried at Wrst about whether we should risk asking questions that might be painfully probing, but we were soon reassured by the responses; almost everyone talked calmly and frankly as if they were used to discussing issues such as screening for their condition. The 50 interviewees Cystic Sickle Spina Down’s Conditions Thalassaemia Wbrosis cell biWda syndrome Interviewees 10 10 10 5 5 Men 5 2 6 1 4 W om e n Age range 26–39 17–30 21–33 18–33 20–43 Median age 33 24 29 26 30 Mainstream school 10 9. This worked very well, as the previous discussion had helped to order and clarify their views, and the sheets gave them some editorial control over how we would use their views. In contrast to mainstream medical and psychological traditions, our ap- proach, methods and language yield diVerent and, we would argue, more realistic insights into the daily lives of people with serious congenital condi- tions. Among the people with Down’s syndrome, for example, one helped to run a youth club, one taught on courses about empowerment, assertion and safer sex for people with learning diYculties and was an artist, and two were actors who shared in creating plays about disability and genetics. Qualitative research such as this study cannot produce measurable, generalizable Wndings about the abilities and experiences of these Wve groups of people. Yet the study can challenge general assumptions, by showing how these interviewees did not Wt the negative images propounded in the prenatal medical literature. I was worried when he showed me into the family living room where his sister and girlfriend were already sitting, as I expected that their presence would inhibit him. I avoid the standard research practice of asking families to regroup to allow for a private interview, partly because their decisions and family dynamics are such useful data and partly because I would assert a potentially inhibiting power balance. During the interview he spoke about his shorter life expectancy, and when the young women objected he said that they always avoided the subject, but he wanted to talk about it with them. Like other interviewees he tried to make his employment record at least as good as that of his colleagues, to prevent his condition being used as an excuse to dismiss him. Like many of the interviewees, when asked about his hopes and aims, Tim spoke freely about being a partner and becoming a parent, spontaneously raising these issues and relieving me of the worry that I might upset or embarrass him by introducing them. Jane was delighted to return to work and to caring fully for her family after her recent heart transplant, but others were frustrated at not being able to Wnd suitable work. Having returned to live with her parents, she would ‘like to be able to do things more spontaneously, have more energy, spend less time with my parents and have more self-identity, be stronger and more conWdent’. Jenny said that she would love to be married and have children but felt that no one would want to take on the responsibility of caring for her and that she was not strong enough to have a child. It has stopped me from making plans and getting on with my life, like going to university or doing things which might be boring for a few years but lead on to something better’. Asked what he might want to change about himself, again like some of the others Rob replied, ‘I’m happy with my character, I’m very happy with what’s happening in my life at the moment’, and he was more keen to talk about how to change society. For example, one man with Down’s syndrome described being pushed and shoved in the street by his neighbours, and another was fed up with being Prenatal counselling and images of disability 205 treated by new work colleagues as if he were stupid, though he added, ‘They learn in the end, and then they realize that are the ones who look silly’. Their conditions did not appear to dominate their lives in most cases, and much time was spent talking about the many things they had in common with their ‘ordinary’ peers: work or unemployment, income, housing, relationships, leisure activities and ambitions. The other more disabled people with spina biWda included a young single mother who was also a college student, and Richard and Vivian who both used wheelchairs. He enjoyed going to city clubs with friends, and could haul himself in his chair up and down stairs, so he used underground trains despite oYcials trying to stop him. He said that when he joined mainstream secondary school, the wheelchair users were all taught mobility and coping with stairs and pave- ment kerbs, which helped him to become very Wt. You do feel low and in pain and angry with people and it is important to have friends and to go out for a drink’, and she talked enthusiastically about her many interests. Vivian was planning to have a baby and she talked of her mixed feelings about taking folic acid to reduce the risk of the baby having spina biWda, yet ‘being proud that I have spina biWda’ because it had given her such experience, knowledge and opportunities she would not otherwise have had. They also tended to say that they would respect any decision made by prospective parents after being properly informed, whether to continue or end a pregnancy aVected by their condition, though they hoped the pregnancy would continue and some had mixed feelings. For example, two men with Down’s syn- drome, who had been talking intently about their acting, suddenly looked very sad when asked about screening, and said they did not want to talk about it, as if the subject was too painful.

Then quality 40 mg sotalol, he noticed that some of the customers who arrived to see him at the premises of the north London homoeopath 40 mg sotalol overnight delivery, did not appear to be ill and could not describe symptoms. Alternative practitioners began to discuss break-ins, others had trouble with their phones. She returned to Britain for a brief time in May, to keep up the pressure on trials in London. Sandra Goodman was not happy being punted from one destructively pessimistic doctor to another or between reluctant voluntary organisations. Finally, during her short stay in Britain, she contacted a firm of solicitors, who entered into a correspondence about germanium with the DoH. The DoH told the solicitors that germanium was considered a low priority for clinical evaluation and the number of patients available for participation was quite limited. It was, they said, necessary to apply rigorous criteria and there was a lack of in vitro clinical work on germanium. Being the committed scientist she was, Goodman accepted as reasonable many of the things which were said about germanium trials. Surely, in the circumstances of an epidemic, as many substances as possible should be tested under the authority of the Department of Health? Back in America, Sandra Goodman met Dr Jariwalla, an eminent virologist, at a conference in Los Angeles. Dr Jariwalla had been working at the Linus Pauling Institute, and had recently tested Vitamin C in vitro for its anti-viral qualities, with excellent results. Sandra Goodman returned to Britain in the summer of 1989, still determined to fight her way to a trial for germanium. By this time, however, moves were well ahead, not simply to ensure that she did not carry out trials, but to get rid of germanium completely. She had been in Greece only a few days when she received a phone call from her secretary telling her that a man called Duncan Campbell had phoned her. Monica Bryant rang her solicitors from the low-budget Greek hotel she was staying in. During that phone call Bryant learnt, to her distress and alarm, that Campbell had been in touch with Mike Smith, the man who had worked on and off for three months with her, as part of the Management Extension Programme, the previous year. Despite the fact that it was part of the arrangement under this government scheme that those placed with companies must reveal nothing about them, Smith appeared to have talked at length with Campbell and broken every confidence with which he had been entrusted. Campbell was later to tell Bryant that he had met Smith after Smith had contacted the Campaign Against Health Fraud. Monica Bryant, however, felt that Smith was not the kind of person to come into contact with such a group. Besides, Smith had no reason at all to feel antagonistic or accusatory towards Monica Bryant; despite not feeling close to him, she had been kind and understanding towards his accumulating problems while he had worked with her. She was shocked that someone who was supposed to be a business support had given false information to a journalist. In June, Delatte, who was working in Princes Risborough, received the first phone calls from a person who said that they were a television journalist. The journalist rang repeatedly, claiming he wanted to make a programme about Delatte and his work. He said that he did not mind being filmed, as long as it was possible to be given a copy of any questions beforehand. The letter included Delta Te in a list of alternative treatments which were being used in London. He met the journalist, who was not Duncan Campbell, and he was accompanied into a small, brightly lit room. The journalist, now seated on the other side of the desk, began aggressively firing questions at him. Looking back on this incident, Delatte says that he considered at the time he had two alternatives. The interviewer spoke quickly and aggressively, making it hard for Delatte to translate the questions and then articulate his answers. He has developed some wrong condition or simply crossed some line which should not have been crossed and this displacement unleashes 75 danger for someone. More important than any of the obvious untruths, is the psychological power of the article, the way in which it gives voice to basic fears about illness and disease. Campbell was to use the same, psychological shock tactics to discredit the Ayur-Vedic treatments prescribed by Dr Davis and Dr Chalmers. The article dwells upon ideas which undermine commonly held notions of hygiene, pollution and crime. Like a lightning conductor at grave risk to themselves, doctors place themselves between the sick and society, transforming the evil of illness into the goodness of health. Delatte has been known to store bacteria and other ingredients for his powder in a domestic freezer, mixing it up in an ordinary kitchen, using normal kitchen scales, and taking no special 78 precautions, such as gloves or overalls, to maintain hygiene or sterility.

Symptoms include fever and abdominal pain buy generic sotalol 40 mg on line, but often there is paucity of signs and symptoms generic sotalol 40 mg without a prescription. However, fluid cultures, when posi- tive, usually reveal a single organism, most often gram-negative enteric flora but occasionally enterococci or pneumococci. This is in contrast to secondary peri- tonitis, for example, as a consequence of intestinal perforation, which usually is polymicrobial. Empiric therapy includes coverage for gram-positive cocci and gram-negative rods, such as intravenous ampicillin and gentamicin, or a third-generation cephalosporin or a quinolone antibiotic. Comprehension Questions For the following questions choose the one cause (A-G) that is probably responsible for the patient’s presentation: A. Idiopathic or autoimmune hepatitis is a less-well-understood cause of hepatitis that seems to be caused by autoimmune cell- mediated damage to hepatocytes. Diabetes mellitus, cirrhosis of the liver, hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, arthropa- thy, and cardiomyopathy are among the more common end-stage developments. Skin deposition of iron leads to “bronzing” of the skin, which could be mistaken for a tan. Diagnosis is made early in the course of disease by demonstrating elevated iron stores but can be made through liver biopsy with iron stains. Sclerosing cholangitis is an autoimmune destruction of both the intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts and often is associated with inflammatory bowel disease, most commonly ulcerative colitis. Patients present with jaundice or symptoms of biliary obstruction; cholangiography reveals the characteristic beading of the bile ducts. Primary biliary cirrhosis is thought to be an autoimmune disease leading to destruction of small- to medium-size bile ducts. Most patients are women between the ages of 35 and 60 years, who usually present with symptoms of pruritus and fatigue. An alkaline phos- phatase level elevated two to five times above the baseline in an oth- erwise asymptomatic patient should raise suspicion for the disease. The inability to excrete excess copper leads to deposition of the mineral in the liver, brain, and other organs. Patients can present with ful- minant hepatitis, acute nonfulminant hepatitis, or cirrhosis, or with bizarre behavioral changes as a result of neurologic damage. Kayser- Fleischer rings develop when copper is released from the liver and deposits in Descemet membrane of the cornea. Clinical Pearls ➤ The most common causes of cirrhosis are alcohol use, hepatitis B and C, and autoimmune disorders. Most patients are asymptomatic until they develop complications of chronic liver disease. This page intentionally left blank Case 14 A 42-year-old Hispanic woman presents to the emergency department complaining of 24 hours of severe, steady epigastric abdominal pain, radiating to her back, with several episodes of nausea and vomiting. She has experienced similar painful episodes in the past, usually in the evening following heavy meals, but the episodes always resolved spon- taneously within an hour or two. She is married, has three children, and does not drink alco- hol or smoke cigarettes. On examination, she is afebrile, tachycardic with a heart rate of 104 bpm, blood pressure 115/74 mm Hg, and shallow respirations of 22 breaths per minute. She is moving uncomfortably on the stretcher, her skin is warm and diaphoretic, and she has scleral icterus. Her abdomen is soft, mildly distended with marked right upper quadrant and epigastric tenderness to palpation, hypoactive bowel sounds, and no masses or organomegaly appreciated. Her leukocyte count is 16,500/mm3 with 82% polymorphonuclear cells and 16% lymphocytes. A plain film of the abdomen shows a nonspecific gas pattern and no pneumoperitoneum. She also has hyperbiliru- binemia and an elevated alkaline phosphatase level, suggesting obstruction of the common bile duct caused by a gallstone, which is the likely cause of her pancreatitis. Considerations This 42-year-old woman complained of episodes of mild right upper quadrant abdominal pain with heavy meals in the past. However, this episode is dif- ferent in severity and location of pain (now radiating straight to her back and accompanied by nausea and vomiting). The elevated amylase level confirms the clinical impression of acute pancreatitis. The next most common cause is biliary tract disease, usually due to passage of a gallstone into the common bile duct. Hypertriglyceridemia is another common cause and occurs when serum triglyceride levels are more than 1000 mg/dL, as is seen in patients with familial dyslipidemias or diabetes (etiologies are given in Table 14–2). When patients appear to have “idiopathic” pancreatitis, that is, no gallstones are seen on ultrasonography and no other pre- disposing factor can be found, biliary tract disease is still the most likely cause— either biliary sludge (microlithiasis) or sphincter of Oddi dysfunction. The pain often is relieved by sitting up and bending forward, and is exacerbated by food.