
By W. Ilja. Loyola University, Chicago. 2019.

Taking Pictures Of What You See You may be unsure of what you see even if you have the microscope slides of labeled flukes and their stages to study and compare generic cilostazol 50mg online. In real life order cilostazol 50 mg without prescription, they vary so much in shape and size that absolute identification is difficult without experience. Unfortu- nately in a few hours, just as you are getting proficient, your magnificent specimens will be drying out and unfit for observa- tion. To preserve them longer you can seal the edges by painting around the coverslip with fingernail clear enamel. Or dribble hot sealing wax along the edges and then place them in sealed plastic bags (one per bag). Make an applicator from a piece of coat hanger wire bent in the shape of a small square to fit around the coverslip and a handle. To take pictures of what you see under the microscope you will need a photomicrographic camera, which costs $200. Even photographs do not scientifically prove identity of parasite stages, but it is very good evidence. Proof would require that the saliva or urine sample could be cultured and seen to produce the known parasite stages. If you can purchase one that reads out the frequency for you in numbers (digital type) and lets you produce a fraction of a kilohertz by turning a dial, it meets your most elementary needs. It should also be possible to set it on positive offset (100% positive) and still give you 5 volts. The advantages of having a frequency generator are that you can do your own diagnosing. The Theory Every living animal and every cell type produces its own frequencies and responds to these frequencies as well. When the animal is alive it produces them, when it is dead it still responds to some of them. The goblet “picks up” on that particular frequency of sound because its own “resonant” frequency is exactly the same. There is not merely a structural and chemical difference between the living and non living. But we can observe and use our observations to track down bacteria and other parasites. We can measure our health quantitatively and perhaps in the future predict life expectancy. The Syncrometer traps the frequencies that match the ones in the material on the test plates and delivers them to an audio speaker in a range that you are able to hear. Instead of test tis- sues or pathogens, we are now going to use pure test fre- quencies! The lead coming from the frequency generator will have two connections, usually red and black (ground). If the two from your body and the generator are the same, the circuit will oscillate, and you will hear resonance. The reinforcement will put oscillations or resonance in the circuit, the same as you are accustomed to hearing with the Syncrometer. Lesson Nineteen Purpose: Killing the intestinal fluke with a frequency gen- erator. Materials: A frequency generator, two handholds with alli- gator clip leads for them. You have killed whatever tiny invader has a resonant frequency the same as the setting on the generator. If your frequency generator has a positive offset capability, you can use it like a zapper, and a single session will kill all pathogens, provided it is 100% offset and can give at least 5 volts at this setting. But even a small percentage of negative voltage will ruin this effect and do more harm than good! To be certain your generator is set correctly it would be best to observe the output on an oscilloscope. Discussion: Persons using a Syncrometer might have already tried putting a small insect on one of the plates. Even the tiniest ant placed in a glass bottle or plastic baggy will resonate the circuit. Obviously the living thing is affecting the circuit differently before and after death. To find its frequency you must add another frequency that will reinforce or interfere with the frequency already on the plate.

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Clinical pharmacology Mexiletine is nearly completely absorbed from the gutand displays minimal first-pass hepatic clearance cilostazol 50 mg generic. Peak plasma levels occur in 4–6 hours effective cilostazol 100mg, and the drug isapproximately 70% protein bound. The drug is mainly metabolized by the liver, and the elimination half-life is from 8to16hours. Dosage Because of the variable metabolism and because therapeutic and toxic doses of mexiletinetend to overlap, dosage must be individu- alized. If there is no response after several days (at least 3 days) and if toxicity is not present, dosage can be increased to 200 mg every 8 hours. Dosage can be further increased after several 68 Chapter 3 more days unless toxicity is present, but rarely canmore than 750 mg/day be administeredwithoutsignificantside effects. Electrophysiologic effects The electrophysiologic effects of mexiletine are virtually identical to those of lidocaine. Hemodynamic effects Mexiletine has little or no effecton bloodpressure or cardiac func- tion. Therapeutic uses The therapeutic profile of mexiletine issimilar to that of lidocaine; that is, it effectively suppresses ventricular arrhythmias. Unlike lido- caine, however, mexiletine is not particularly suitable for the treat- mentofemergentoracute arrhythmias because titrating the drug to an effective dose may take many days. Although mexiletine is effective in suppressing premature ventricular complexes and non- sustained ventricular tachycardia, these arrhythmias shouldgener- ally not be treatedunless they are producing significantsymptoms. On the basis of serial drug testing in the electrophysiology laboratory, mexiletine rarely suppresses inducible sustained ventricular tachy- cardia; the drug is estimated to be effective for suchsuppressionin only 5–10% of patients tested. Adverse effects and interactions As with lidocaine, central nervous system side effects predominate; tremor, blurred vision,and ataxia are the most common effects. While the drug generally has nohemodynamic effects, it has been reported to worsen heart failure in patients with severe cardiomyopathy. Mexiletine levels can be increased by cimetidine, chlo- ramphenicol, and isoniazid. Theophylline levels can be increased substantially when the drug is givenwith mexiletine. Class I antiarrhythmic drugs 69 Tocainide Tocainide isanother oral analog of lidocaine. Its properties are very similar to mexiletine, except that it iseliminated from the system by both the liver and the kidneys. The drug enjoyed brief popularity as an antiarrhythmic agent in the early 1960s but was almost entirely supplantedwhen lidocaineand procainamide came into widespreaduse. Clinical pharmacology Phenytoin’s oral absorptionis relatively slow and highly variable. The drug is 90% protein bound and is metabolized by the liver to inactive compounds. At higher plasma levels, eliminationis dose dependent, and plasma levels increase disproportionately as dosage is increased. Dosage A drug-loading regimenis usually recommendedwith oral admin- istration of phenytoin,especially if therapeutic levels are desired within 24 hours. Chronic dosage shouldnot be changedmore often than at 10- to 14-day intervals because of the dose-dependentelimination of the drug. Phenytoin can also be administeredintravenously, preferably throughacentral intravenouslinebecause of the tendencyto 70 Chapter 3 produce phlebitis. Monitoring for the appearanceof lateral gaze nystagmus during administration of the drug can be a useful indicator of therapeutic serum levels (10–20 µg/mL). Electrophysiologic effects The electrophysiologic profile of phenytoin issimilar to that of lido- caine;it displays a rate-dependent effecton the sodium channel with rapid binding-unbinding characteristics. Thus, conduction velocity is minimally affectedinnormal tissueand at normal heart rates. Delayed afterdepolarizations of the type seenwith digitalis toxicity are suppressed by phenytoin. Hemodynamic effects With rapid intravenous loading,hypotensioncan occurbut can be controlled by titrating the rate of drug administration. Therapeutic uses Phenytoin is effective for ventricular tachyarrhythmias caused by digitalis toxicity, most likely because itsuppresses delayed afterde- polarizations. Adverse effects and interactions The most common side effects involve the gastrointestinal and cen- tral nervous systems. Central nervous system symptoms(mainly ataxiaand nystagmus) are related to plasma levels. Other less com- mon side effects include osteomalacia (frominterference with vita- min D metabolism), megaloblastic anemia (frominterference with folate metabolism), and hypersensitivity reactionssuchaslupus, hepatic necrosis, hematologic disorders, and pseudolymphoma. Gin- gival hyperplasia, said to occur in up to 20% of children taking phenytoin,appears to be relatively rare in adults.

In the next two chapters quality 100 mg cilostazol, we’ll be discussing solutions to address the mind and diet buy 100 mg cilostazol free shipping. They can make muscles tight (contributing to muscle imbalances), decrease our oxygen supply, release hormones that trigger inflammation, and create trigger points in areas where we “hold” our stress—such as the shoulders and lower back—all leading to real physical pain. Tip #1: Be Aware of the Emotional Component of Pain Sometimes, just becoming aware of the cause of a problem can help you alleviate it. If stress and emotional upset are causing your back pain—and if you’ve been told there’s nothing physically wrong with you—hearing that emotional imbalances can be real, concrete causes of physical pain can be a big relief. This uncertainty creates more stress, which creates even more back pain, and the cycle repeats. The good thing is that once you know that stress—and in some extreme cases, emotional trauma—also is causing or contributing to your back pain (in addition to the many other ways it may be impacting your life), you may take it seriously enough to address it. Tip #2: Reduce or Eliminate the Negative Stress in Your Life Most of us know this one. How often do you take on extra tasks that do nothing to help you or the ones you love? If that’s not possible (which is really just an excuse), keep your interactions short. If that doesn’t work, erect an imaginary leaves you imagining some mysterious cause. You creates more stress, which creates even more back pain, and may even want to confront the person. Suggest a more some extreme cases, emotional trauma—also is causing or positive approach to life and maybe they’ll respond. If not, contributing to your back pain (in addition to the many other and you feel that this person is really placing a heavy negative ways it may be impacting your life), you may take it seriously drain on you, you may want to consider getting them out of enough to address it. Far too many people spend most of their lives in pain and being unhappy; don’t be one of them. If Reduce or Eliminate the Negative you think yours is contributing to your back pain, consider a Stress in Your Life change. Changing careers solely to reduce back pain may not be practical for many people, but back pain combined with Most of us know this one. If we could just eliminate all the other factors (such as career unhappiness) might be enough to things causing us stress, we’d feel great! If a job change is just impossible at this point in time, I think we tend to dismiss this a little too quickly, though. Can you take real lunch breaks, where yourself permission to do what’s best for you. For example, you get away from the environment to somewhere that how many times do you say “yes” to someone you don’t even nourishes your spirit? How often do you take on extra tasks that do nothing to to implement some changes? These people tend to rob us of our Getting rid of clutter can do a lot to reduce stress. Make it a point to stay away from “giveaway” day where you donate all the material things you them. Sometimes 141 The 7-Day Back Pain Cure downsizing your lifestyle, and the bills that go with it, can provide instant stress relief. Again, back pain alone probably isn’t enough of a reason to make major financial changes in your life, but it may tip the scales toward making changes. In general, take a good look at your life—your job, your surroundings, your schedule, your friends and family—and find out what’s nourishing and what’s draining. Tip #3: Get It Out In Chapter 5, I also talked about how destructive repressed emotions are. So no matter what kind of emotional stress you’re under, it’s important to get it out—in a healthy way. For the more severe cases of emotional trauma, such as death, divorce, abandonment, and abuse, the techniques for managing everyday stress may not be enough. One advanced technique is to write down the pent-up emotions you’re feeling (the most common one is anger). Use a pen and notepad, your computer, or even a voice recorder to get your emotions out. Start with feeling words like “I’m angry about…,” “I wish…,” “I’m sorry for…,” “I feel…,” and other similar expressions to encourage emotional responses. Typically, these kinds of exercises help clear your head and release the pressure that emotions can create in the body. For serious traumas that may have occurred in the past but that were never resolved, it’s best to seek out the assistance of a licensed therapist.

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The hypodermic administration of the alkaloid pilocarpine generic 50 mg cilostazol mastercard, is preferable in many cases buy 100 mg cilostazol with visa, especially where the promptness of its action is desired. The liquid preparations are often unacceptable to a disordered or sensitive stomach and then minute doses of the alkaloid in pellets or granules will be, found a most desirable form for administration. The action of the fluid extract or tincture of jaborandi and impure pilocarpine is sometimes disappointing, failing entirely to produce their characteristic influence and perhaps producing results contrary to those anticipated. This is due to the presence of the alkaloid, jaborine, which acts antagonistically to pilocarpine, having in its therapeutic influence many of the characteristics of atropine, an antagonist of pilocarpine. The nitrate and hydrochlorate of pilocarpine carefully prepared are free from jaborine and are thus reliable in their action. Solutions of pilocarpine should be made fresh when needed, as the salts decompose in aqueous solution. Physiological Action—Near the point of the administration of a hypodermic injection of the alkaloid, a few drops of sweat appear within from four to six minutes after the injection, to be immediately followed with moisture on the forehead, neck and chest, and in quick succession the entire body is bathed with a most profuse perspiration. Ellingwood’s American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy - Page 337 It is a powerful anti-diphtheritic and sialogogue, acting profoundly as a stimulant upon the secretions of the entire glandular system. No one known remedy stimulates every secretion of the body simultaneously as profoundly as does this agent. The depression of the agent should not be allowed to progress; after the sweating has continued a few minutes profusely, a little whisky, brandy, tincture of ginger, or tincture of capsicum should be given in hot water, and occasionally repeated while the transpiration progresses. If the heart shows the influence of the depression, a hypodermic of strychnine may be given, or a few drops of the tincture of cactus, strophanthus, digitalis, or nux vomica. If it is desirable to stop the sweating abruptly, atropine hypodermically may be resorted to. The extreme effects of the agent need not be obtained in many cases, but owing to the susceptibility of some cases a small dose will sometimes produce extreme results. Most observers state that it is best to quench the thirst with weak coffee or milk and not with-cold water. It is undesirable that the patient swallow the saliva when the agent is administered after the bite of venomous snakes or in threatened hydrophobia or if given as an antidote to poisons. When the agent fails to act upon the skin it often expends its force upon the salivary glands, kidneys, stomach, intestines or lungs, producing extreme secretion or excretion from these organs. In some cases this agent produces nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, contracted pupil, extreme weakness, dimness of vision, sighing respiration, palpitation and collapse; but these symptoms of alarming nervous depression rarely occur and are easily combated with atropine. Specific Symptomatology—The direct indications for this agent are acute suppression of the secretions, especially of those of the skin in sthenic conditions usually with distress, elevation of temperature, sharp, hard pulse, dry skin, dry mucous membranes, constipation, and small quantity of urine with dark color and high specific gravity. Kinnett gives the specific indications for its use, as dry hot skin, dry parched mouth, pulse full and very strong, patient restless and uneasy, Ellingwood’s American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy - Page 338 suppression of the secretions, especially of the kidneys, which seem to be unable to act properly. His contra-indications are feebleness, weak pulse, weak heart action, tendency to depression. Contra-Indication—Jaborandi should be avoided in asthenic conditions, or where there is feeble or dilated heart, and used with care in old people and-young children. Except in its influence on laryngeal and bronchial disorders, and in the sthenic stage of diphtheria when it loosens the membranes. Therapy—At the onset of acute febrile and inflammatory conditions, especially if there be rigors, hot, full head, and a bounding, hard pulse, a foot bath of hot water and a full dose of jaborandi with proper supportive treatment subsequently will often end the attack abruptly. The stage following the influence of the agent if the temperature has subsided, has all the conditions in which quinine works to its best possible advantage. Several recent writers have written enthusiastically on the action of jaborandi or pilocarpine in establishing a favorable crisis early in the severe forms of acute disease. Pernicious malarial fever, typho-malarial fever, inflammatory rheumatism, and other of the severer forms of inflammatory disease they claim may be aborted by the use of full doses of this remedy. Where jaborandi can be administered by the mouth, it is preferable, although some claim that pilocarpine hypodermically invariably produces better results. A number advise the use of this remedy in comatose, delirious and colliquative forms of pernicious intermittent fever. These writers agree upon the surprising influence of the remedy, where at the onset of this disease or of other acute specific fever there is great excitable mania— extreme violent delirium, which in its seriousness overtops all other conditions. If an eighth of a grain of pilocarpine be administered hypodermically, the delirium disappears at once, quiet and restfulness obtain without the occurrence of the physiological action of the remedy upon the skin or salivary glands. There is a disagreement of opinion as to its value in the treatment of convulsions. Kinnett claims that where the intestinal tract is overloaded with irritating material, it produces both emesis and active free bowel movement, at the same time stimulating the action of the kidneys and skin. In a case of extreme malarial poisoning, in a strong man, the bowels had Ellingwood’s American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy - Page 339 not been moved for three days, nor the urine voided for eighteen hours. The skin was of a jaundiced appearance and the conjunctivae was distinctly yellow. One-half grain of pilocarpine hypodermically, caused salivation in three minutes, perspiration stood on the neck and forehead in great drops, the face and skin became extremely red at first and pale as the perspiration advanced.

Senescent follicles are any of the three types of follicles that no longer produce hairs and have lost histological evidence of the ability to produce hairs buy cilostazol 100mg free shipping. The character of human hair is constantly changing from the prenatal period to old age; and under given physiological conditions buy cilostazol 50mg with mastercard, the same hair follicle can successively form different types of hair. Despite differences among individuals, follicle development for all types of hair is virtually the same. The relative dura- tion of each cycle varies with the age of the individual and the region of the body where the hair grows. The length of the cycle is often modified by a variety of physiological and pathological factors. The cyclic phase of the hair follicle is Hair Growth Enhancers 59 identified by an active growth period known as anagen, an intermediate period known as catagen, and a resting stage known as telogen. In the anagen phase, which lasts from 2 to 8 years (2), the follicle reaches its maximum length, and there is a proliferation of the matrix cells. Anagen hair generally has a thick shaft, and in given segments its medulla is clearly visible. The bulb gradually tapers and becomes lighter in color at and beyond the keratogenous zone of the follicle. Catagen hair, in its involutional form, differs from telogen (clubbed) hair in two ways: (1) its keratinized (proximal) part is darker than that of clubbed hair; and (2) its inner and outer root sheaths are better preserved (5). Unlike the anagen phase, the catagen phase is short, lasting from 2 to 4 weeks (2). Telogen hair, or clubbed hair, is easily recognized because it generally contains a thin shaft, which is transparent near the root and devoid of a medulla and kerato- genous zone. The telogen phase also is much shorter than the anagen phase, lasting from 2 to 4 months (2). Its prevalence in any population has not been accurately studied, but it occurs much more often in Caucasians than in other races (6). Androgenetic alopecia affects approximately 50% of men over 40 years of age and may also affect just as many women (7). Morphology and Control Androgenetic alopecia appears to be autosomal dominant with gene expression apparently determined by hair follicle location (7). Expression of androgenetic alopecia can vary considerably from one person to another. In androgenetic alope- cia, genetically predisposed hair follicles become progressively miniaturized over time. In men, the thick, pigmented terminal hairs in the affected area of the scalp eventually are replaced by the fine, unpigmented vellus hairs. Women, however, rarely become completely bald but usually experience thinning charac- terized by an intermixing of the normal terminal hairs with finer vellus hairs (7). In both men and women, the hair growth cycle is altered, with fewer hairs in the anagen stage and more hairs in the telogen stage for longer periods of time (7). Although scalp hair growth is not androgen-dependent, androgens are nec- essary for the full expression of androgenetic alopecia whereby they diminish 60 Trancik the size of the hair follicle and diameter of the hair fiber, as well as shift hairs from the growing to resting state (6). The main androgen circulating in the plasma of men is testosterone, whereas the most important androgen in women is andro- stenedione. This finding may explain the different clinical presentation of androgenetic alopecia in men and women. Clinical Presentation The clinical presentation of androgenetic alopecia is different for men and women. It may occur as early as 17 years of age in normal males and by 25 to 30 years of age in endocrinologically normal females (6). There is no evidence, however, to suggest that there is an age at which the onset of the balding process is no longer initiated or a threshold age at which the progression of baldness ceases to continue (7,10). Invariably, both men and women see increased shed- ding of hair, which prompts them to seek out medical advice. In men, androgenetic alopecia is usually progressive, typically receding from the normal hairline in an M-shaped pattern with an enlarging balding vertex (6). Several classification systems have been used to characterize the balding state of men, the most popular being the Hamilton scale as modified by Norwood (Fig. Women often do not present with a distinct pattern, but rather have diffuse hair loss or thinning of the temporal and parietal areas with retention of the frontal hairline in most cases. Women may present with the typical male patterning of hair loss, with this occurring more frequently in postmenopausal women than premenopausal women (13). In both sexes, concomitant loss of hair in the tem- ple–sideburn areas and nape of neck can be observed as well as occasional in- creases in body hair. Psychological Factors of Hair Loss Hair loss can profoundly affect people and the clinical significance of androgene- tic alopecia should not be trivialized as just a cosmetic nuisance. The World Health Organization (14) in fact classified androgenetic alopecia as a disease Hair Growth Enhancers 61 Figure 1 Hamilton baldness scale as modified by Norwood. Although androgenetic alopecia is seen as a normal variant of aging by most individuals, it can have both psychological and pathological consequences and these effects are taken seriously by both the patient and physician (15,16). Despite the age of onset and the ongoing progression of the baldness per se, the main area of concern in individuals is a psychological one.

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Secondary amines act faster cilostazol 100 mg without a prescription, but in both cases purchase 50 mg cilostazol, although elevated neurotransmitter levels become rapidly apparent, the clinical improvement lags far behind. The problem with the tricyclic-based neurotransmitter–receptor hypothesis of antide- pressant activity is that it was based on observations in normal rat brain. Thus, it is likely that endogenous depression is a biologically heterogeneous syndrome; a single neurotrans- mitter hypothesis explaining the mode of action of all antidepressant drugs is not currently feasible. In the 1970s and 1980s, the tricyclic antidepressants dominated the clinical manage- ment of depression. Given their widespread use (and misuse), they were sometimes simply referred to as the “tricyclics. Various tricyclic drugs have anticholinergic properties, and people who attempt overdoses with tricyclic drugs experience life-threatening anticholinergic side effects. Recognizing that the interaction between a drug and its receptor is a precise dance between atoms and molecular frag- ments, we see that the three-dimensional interplanar orientation of the various rings is crucial to an appreciation of their varying modes of action. The tricyclics, however, do continue to be valuable in the management of chronic pain states such as headache or neuropathy. Apart from interferences with transmembrane ion fluxes (via ion channels and pumps), Li+ appears to facilitate membrane depletion of phosphatidylinositol bisphosphates, the principal lipid substrate used by various receptors in transmembrane signaling; blockade of this signal transduction pathway impairs the ability of neurons to respond to the activation of neurotransmitter receptors. The dopamine receptors have been studied extensively by classical pharmacological methods, receptor labeling techniques, and gene cloning experiments. D1-like receptors activate adenylate cyclase; D2-like receptors inhibit adenylate cyclase. The D1-like receptors, like the β-adrenergic receptors, are transcribed from intronless genes. Conversely, the D2-like receptors contain introns, thus providing an opportunity for alternatively spliced products. In terms of molecular mass, D1-like receptors are slightly larger than D2-like receptors. D1-like subtypes include the D1 (encoded on chromosome 5) and D5 (chromosome 4) receptors; D2-like subtypes include the D2 (chromosome 11), D3 (chromosome 3), and D4 (chromosome 11) receptors. D2-like receptors have smaller C-terminal intracellular segments but a larger intracellular loop between the sixth and seventh transmembrane segments. Two D2 receptor isoforms have been identified: D2 long and D2 short—D2 long has a 29 amino acid insert between the fifth and sixth membrane-spanning segments. A strong correlation exists between the clinical doses of antipsychotic drugs and their affinity for brain D2 receptors. This observation led to the hypothesis that psychotic dis- orders resulted from overactivity of the D2 receptor subpopulation. Therefore, the motor dysfunctions observed in patients chronically treated with antipsychotics are seemingly due to alter- ations in D2 receptor density. Presynaptic dopaminergic agonists These enable a logical, mechanistic understanding and will be discussed individually. In this case, α2-adrenergic receptor effects are irrelevant, and only the clas- sical competitive inhibitory effect is of any consequence. The exclusive peripheral mode of action of car- bidopa is due to its ionic character and inability to cross the blood–brain barrier. By affecting the enzyme through covalent binding, this compound completely inhibits both catecholamine and serotonin synthesis. Unlike 6-hydroxydopamine, α-fluoromethyldopa does not destroy the neurons, and unlike reserpine it does not deplete chromaffin tissue in the adrenal gland. High doses of amphetamines do deplete the storage vesicles, but this is not their principal mode of action. Interestingly, apomorphine is now also being evaluated as an oral agent for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The ergot alkaloids and their derivatives are a rich source of catecholaminergic drugs. Ergot (Claviceps purpurea) is a parasitic fungus found on grasses and cereals (rye). Because the fungus is more valuable than the cereal crop, fields are artificially infected and the mixture of indole alkaloids is extracted from the ripe sclerotia. Other ergot alkaloids have a hypotensive effect and also cause smooth-muscle contraction, specifically in the uterus. Amides of lysergic acid are hallucino- gens and will be discussed among serotonergic drugs. A novel and very interesting group of compounds is represented by bromocriptine (4. It is used in parkinsonism and for inhibiting the excessive excretion of prolactin, a peptide hormone of the pituitary that regulates lactation. It also inhibits the secretion of growth hormone, another product of the anterior pituitary, and has been evaluated in the treatment of acromegaly, a form of gigantism arising from excessive growth hormone production.